
A complete representation of the $LEG token economics

Introducing the Tokenomics of the "My Leg" frenzy meme. Our tokenomics are designed to ensure a thriving, engaged community and sustainable growth for our meme ecosystem.Our meme project leverages the power of memes—a universal language that transcends barriers—to build a dynamic and engaging ecosystem.

Total Supply: We have a capped supply of 400 million $MyLeg tokens to maintain value and exclusivity.

Tokenomics overview

  • Mining (10%): Tokens allocated to mining will incentivize participation and encourage a robust and decentralized ecosystem.

  • Liquidity (15%): A significant portion is reserved for liquidity to ensure smooth trading and price stability on exchanges.

  • Contributors (10%): Tokens dedicated to contributors, recognize their crucial role in the development and success of the project. This are our partners that decided to build with us and sold us their Lambos.

  • Presale (30%): A major portion is allocated to the presale, providing early supporters with an opportunity to invest and engage with the project from the start.

  • Airdrop (8%): To foster community growth and reward early adopters, tokens will be distributed through airdrops, expanding our reach and user base.

  • Marketing (5%): A targeted allocation for marketing ensures that we effectively promote the project and drive adoption.

  • Team (4%): Tokens reserved for the team acknowledge their ongoing commitment and contribution to the project's success.

  • CEX Listing (3%): Tokens allocated for centralized exchange listings will facilitate smooth entry into major trading platforms, enhancing accessibility and liquidity.

  • Reserve (5%):We’re pleased to announce that our project will utilize the reserved tokens as rewards for miners. This strategy ensures a sustainable and fair distribution of incentives, directly linking the success of our project with the contributions of our mining community.By using reserved tokens for rewards, we align the interests of miners with the long-term success of the project, encouraging consistent and dedicated participation.We’ll provide regular updates on the distribution of these rewards and any adjustments to the reward structure to ensure transparency and fairness.

This distribution strategy is designed to balance immediate needs with long-term goals, ensuring that all stakeholders are incentivized and aligned with the project’s vision.

Last updated